Monday, July 29, 2024

Fwd: Grove Equipment AD

Ask Juan what happened.

Karen Berry
Berry Publications, Inc,
O. 813.759.6909
F. 813.759.6905

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "kdberry" <>
Date: July 2, 2024 at 2:27:56 PM EDT
To: Juan Alvarez <>
Subject: Grove Equipment AD

Juan this will be for the July issues of ITFM.
There is work to do on them though. See his instructions below.

Hey Karen,
  I know it is early but I will be going out of town one week from today and I will not return to work until July 8. I have attached a Bush Hog ad that we would like to run in the July edition. We will need you to include our logo and store info into the ad. Please let me know if you can work with this. It originally was designed for social media. However I was able to get Bush Hog to send it to us as a PDF.

Karen Berry // Publisher

Berry Publication's, Inc.

In The Field Magazine

Est. 2004

100 E. Reynolds St., Suite 100B // Plant City, FL 33563

tel (813) 759-6909 // mobile (813) 758-3864 

"No Farmers No Food"

Covering Hillsborough and Polk County

Friday, April 13, 2012


Karen Berry

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Finally the run felt pretty good!

Well I think this video says it all.

Good Night.

Life is a it


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Todays Run & Nike+Watch

YES the picture attached on this blog is me and I wanted to just get a quick snap shot after my short run this evening and YES I smell like sweat and I need a shower. Nothing like just laying the truth out there for all to read but as far as I know only family and some close friends are signed up for this blog but this is also a public blog as well and I am going to leave it that way for now.

I have been on a weekly training schedule with Jeff Galloway and if you are not familiar with him make sure to google his name and you can learn about him. Jeff is a past Olympian so he has some smarts on this running deal so I have chosen this adventure for several reasons. 1 is to keep me in an exercise mode, 2 is to stay in shape, 3 is to be able run and keep my knee in good shape while running since I have had major problems in the past when trying to train and with Jeff Galloway he monitors this. 4 to achieve some personal goals. So there it is in a nut shell :-).

I have a new NIKE+Sportwatch GPS that is awesome, it's amazing how technology has come such a long way. This watch records my time, pace, calories burned, route and all I have to do is upload the data on my lap top and I have all the information up on my personal Nike site!
Its so neat to see my progress over the weeks and it inspires me to continue to improve.

So I am getting my run on :-) I have lost over 15 pounds by watching what I am eating and just plain doing my best to eat better!  Tooting my own horn I am and proud of it. Baggy britches never felt so

Ok time to shower.


Life is a it!


I guess you could call it writers block but not sure why because a lot of things are happening though it may not be all good but their is some good things. 

My next update will be this evening.....baited breathe I am sure each of you have in waiting.



Life is a it!
Is it Friday yet?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Race Day/The Crew

Spending the weekend at Fort Wilderness which is a part of Walt Disnery World me and my nephew Ryan have our own cabin to ourselves and enjoying the time together. It is so hard to believe that he is now in 8th grade and is just about as tall as me and will more than likely be as tall as his grandfather, my Dad. Time flys by way to fast it seems and before you know he will be driving and then college!

There are 8 of us total here this weekend and 5 of them will be running the Disney Marathon and I am not a part of the number...I am part of the 3 that will be waiting for them to cross the finish line. The race starts at 10:00pm this evening and the runners have until 3am to make it in, I am praying that our group makes it in way before 3am. I am personally not ready for run 12 miles but sooner or later I hope to be but time will tell.

My brother n law Raul is running and he is know to run like the wind.

My sister Lori is running but in my opinion should not be because of her knee problem but she feels her knee will be fine! But I am going to have to pray her thru this thing and trust everything will be fine. RUN LORI RUN!!!!!!

Susan is a close friend of ours she has ran forever, well as long as I have known her and thats a long time. If I have to give her a name to describe her it would be THE MIRACLE!!!!
Susan has gone thru and beat so many physical challenges over the past few years that if half of you knew what they were you would say WOW she is THE MIRACLE!!! God seriously brought her out of what some would think questionable. Susan is an inspiration to me and I am sure to others that know her as well.

Brian and Donna are two other close friends and they have been running for quite a while now and because they do not live close to me I do not have any descriptive words for you to get to know them from my point of view but what I am glad about is that Donna is going to keep up with Lori and that is awesome for Lori and others like me who would be worrying if it were any different.

I have enjoyed some time away and am looking forward to going to some parks tomorrow.
I will blog to let you know how they all do maybe tomorrow so keep a look out.

Time for a quick nap!

Life is a it.
