Karen Berry
Berry Publications, Inc,
O. 813.759.6909
F. 813.759.6905
Begin forwarded message:
From: "kdberry inthefieldmagazine.com" <kdberry@inthefieldmagazine.com>
Date: July 2, 2024 at 2:27:56 PM EDT
To: Juan Alvarez <juanalvarez@mac.com>
Subject: Grove Equipment AD
Juan this will be for the July issues of ITFM.There is work to do on them though. See his instructions below.
Hey Karen,I know it is early but I will be going out of town one week from today and I will not return to work until July 8. I have attached a Bush Hog ad that we would like to run in the July edition. We will need you to include our logo and store info into the ad. Please let me know if you can work with this. It originally was designed for social media. However I was able to get Bush Hog to send it to us as a PDF.Thanks,Alvie
Karen Berry // Publisher
Berry Publication's, Inc.
In The Field Magazine
Est. 2004
100 E. Reynolds St., Suite 100B // Plant City, FL 33563
tel (813) 759-6909 // mobile (813) 758-3864
"No Farmers No Food"
Covering Hillsborough and Polk County