Wednesday, December 24, 2008

With My Niece & Nephew On The Trail in Blairsville Georgia

Yesterday I spent the day running around buying stocking stuffer's, every year we all have our own stockings with fun things in them so I needed to find some cute things to go into a few specific ones. So in between stops we had to have some fun time so my nephew Ryan and Niece Kylie decided to hang out with Aunt Karen (of course ). We had some fun going hiking, they wanted to see if the creek was frozen since it got down to 11 degrees the night before. There creek was not frozen but there was a lot of iced over branches which made everything look pretty but that still did not take away the fact that it was so blame cold but we had fun regardless.

Later in the evening Mom made wedding soup with her famous salad! We were all eating like it was our last meal. Then we had a fire outside and roasted marshmallow even though it was cold we all endured it and the kids got such a kick out of it. To top the evening out Ryan & Kylie planned a concert for us! They played 5 songs on Rock Band, Kylie played the guitar and Ryan played the drums and they did a great job.

Well that is it for now I will get back soon with another blog since there is so much to share on Christmas and its not often when all of our family is together.


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