It's Thursday and I can already sense the urgency that the weekend is just around the corner and it can not get here soon enough! We have been on deadline this week for 3 publications and we have sent two out successfully and we have 1 left to upload but we are having to drag our feet on this one a bit. We are trying to get some last minute ads in and articles but no fear....we will get it out in enough time to meet our deadline for them to be delivered.
Our newest magazine is covering South Mississippi and we are excited about having a new publication out but the coolest part is, is that it is out of the state of Florida. Who would have THUNK it? We have been blessed to have a friend of our family take this publication head on and he and his family are doing a great job but have a lot in front of them but I have faith they can handle it. They have lived in Mississippi for 18 years now so they know the territory and how things roll :-). I want to give a shout out to Brent Davis and his team...Congrats on a job well done but now is the fun part.....Delivery :-) I will make sure to keep you who follow this blog updated on how things are going.
Now onto another subject! I am facing some other challenges with another magazine. My dad and mom always taught me not to look at situations as problems but challenges and that is what we are doing. A challenge to me means lets win this thing it brings out my competitive nature which is a good thing. I have a great staff that is working with me on this and we have new people coming on board and they all have a positive outlook which means they are all winners in my book. So again as I said in the last paragraph I will make sure to keep you who follow this blog updated on how things are going.
Picture: My sister Lori is on the left and my Managing Editor Sarah is on the right.
Gotta Run its almost quitting time!
Life Is A Journey.....Live It
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