"Time Changes Things" These are 3 words that ring loudly right now in my thoughts. We all go through life we grow we get older and while doing all of this our parents are going through the same things but they are further ahead in this process of life than we are. This brings me to share about my mom. Mom has had diabetes for years now and has taken a pill daily then the pill led to taking shots then not long a ago she was given and insulin pump that is attached to her every single day and it is quite a cool machine! She puts in what she is eating etc. and the pump administers the exact amount of insulin her body needs and with this change its made her life as a diabetic so much more tolerable to say the least. Mom has also has 2 knee replacements on the same knee over the past 4 years. That was a rough time for mom, the recovery/therapy was not pleasant but now she is able to walk with out all that pain in her knee and she has lost over 50 pounds also and we are all very proud of her :-). Mom has also has some heart issues over the past 5 to 6 years, within that time time she has had to deal with an irregular heart beat - Atrial Fibrillation, the heart's electrical current flows where it's not supposed to. Two weeks ago mom went into the hospital for a procedure to to shock the heart and the mission was to get the heart beating back on track but after 4 times of trying her heart was not accepting it so this procedure did not work. We asked the Dr.'s why not a pacemaker? The reason why is she has had this Atrial Fibrillation to long now so that means that the pacemaker will not help her heart get back on track so the next step is open heart surgery. This is what we did not want her to have to go through but if she does not have this surgery her heart will tire out and we want mom to be with us for a long time! Our motives are obviously selfish but that is normal. The scheduled time for this surgery is in April so until then we all we be praying that God will have his hand on her and the Doctors.
Time Changes Things-I do not like this but its a fact of life so I have to face each day that have these types of challenges head on. My problem is that I have always been one who likes to keep things in and act like they are not there and this has only pertained to my parents mostly. I am one to always think that as they get older their health will continue to be fine with no speed bumps. I understand that this is just not the truth so I am gradually learning to accept it. I guess with this journey I am learning and growing at the same time.
Not much more to share but I will make sure and blog the progress of mom.
Gotta Run...Much to do.
Life is a journey......live it.
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