Monday, February 2, 2009

A Wet Day Today...All Day..Monday Feb. 2nd, 09

Rain, Rain, Rain all day long!

The rain has been needed so I sure do not want to complain but it slacked off for just enough time for me to get my run in at the track. My run this evening consisted of an 8 minute run then a 5 minute walk and then another 8 minute run. My knees did better but I felt like I weighed a ton for some reason. But I made it through and that is what counts. Tomorrow is my off day and I am glad but I will be back at it on Wednesday.

My video blog goes into more detail so make sure to watch it, I just am really at a lose for words and it is probably has a lot to do with me, I am just about to fall asleep so I need to hit it, I have a big day tomorrow with an early start.

Have a great day!


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