Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day Two & Pushing Through!


Day two in this adventure of training to get in enough shape to run a 5k and already my body is screaming STOP IT! I woke up this morning and as soon as my feet hit the ground I felt it and felt it good. I am sure that the next few days will be even more painful but I am going go on this journey and make it through.

Ok so this morning my phone was ringing and it was my sister Lori telling me to get up and get dressed I am running over to your house and then we are going to run at the track. But first I had to go to hole in one donut to get my breakfast burrito and coffee, I promise I ate NO donuts :-), then off to the track. This day called for 5 minutes of walking, 6 minutes of jogging then another 5 of walking. Today was actually easier than yesterday....Praise The Lord!  I am going to let Lori share a little bit now.

I have to say that I am impressed with Karen's "drive" to get in shape! 
We have a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes & cancer in our family, and I am determined to NOT let these effect me as I age; this is my wish for both of my Sisters!  
As I jogged over to Karen's this morning I had my time with God, thanking him for the desire to exercise and for the ability to exercise, and just running through my thoughts with HIM about my holiday weight gain:( His word to me was to "get healthy to glorify HIM"...that it's about staying healthy to serve HIM, not to satisfy me. Right on!!   
It was fun spending time with my Sistah this morning, and I will continue to push her as I expect her to push me!!  We can do this, yes we can:) 
So here's the plan: January is the Tampa Bay Lightning 5k, the Disney Princess 5k run in March, and the MORE magazine half marathon in New York City in April..oh yeah, and for Karen, the Sould'Out 5k Strawberry Classic in March (I have to work this event & can't run it)!  
Run Sistah Run:)

Till Next Time,

Karen & Lori (lo lo)

1 comment:

  1. Stay with it KB! I promise it gets easier and less painful. It's much better and easier to maintain than to keep stopping and starting your training. It a whole lot less painful and it's better for your body.

    Nice blogging! Stay on it!

