Have you ever heard of Geo Caching? Well I hadn't either up until about a month or so I just jumped into it. I had heard about it through friends and just recently we ran an article about a guy who has been doing this for quite some time now and he has really helped me understand how this works! If you want to know more about this go and visit www.geocaching.com and you can read about it, I would try to explain it in this blog but it would take me forever! This is lot's of just plain good fun.
Friday, May 8, 2009
First Day Of Geo Cachng
Have you ever heard of Geo Caching? Well I hadn't either up until about a month or so I just jumped into it. I had heard about it through friends and just recently we ran an article about a guy who has been doing this for quite some time now and he has really helped me understand how this works! If you want to know more about this go and visit www.geocaching.com and you can read about it, I would try to explain it in this blog but it would take me forever! This is lot's of just plain good fun.
It's Been A While
It's been since the middle of March since I have updated this blog, I have been slacking not only with this but with keeping up with my running and riding my bike. I am sick of finding excuses but every time I even think about getting some exercise in I am either tired or I have so much going on at work or I need to ride the horse. So this evening I have decided to get back at it and gradually get to where I need to be again. One thing is for sure I need to watch how much I push myself......I am one of those people who wants it now but it just does not happen that way!!!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Saturday March 14th back at the track!
Friday March 13th - Back At It - Peaceful
Princess 5k Walt Disney World-Saturday March 7th, 09
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Just Checking In
Monday, February 16, 2009
Flatwoods Trail Ride-Fun Day!

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Things are looking up.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Walking Instead Of Running Today
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Totally Ticked and Aggravated!
Ok so how do I really feel? I am ticked off and aggravated that I have not been able to train and its been 3 days so far! Tuesday morning I woke up with pain in my right knee and the pain seemed to be sporadic but when it would rear its nasty head let me tell you it hurt! Yesterday seemed to be a bit better but not to much but today is much better but I am not at the point where I think I should hit the pavement running. The crappiest part of this is that I only have 7 more days until my 8 week training period for a 5k is completed. This set back has really bothered me and its on my mind constantly but I have to remember that my body is telling me to give it a rest and just let me recover so that is what I have been doing but I do not like it. This running thing has become an important part of my life and one that I find in a strange way relaxing if you can believe that! It's like its become a friend that allows me to clear my mind and also spend some quality time with the Lord. I tried to set up my trainer for my bike but ran into some difficulty so I am going to take it and the bike to the Flying Fish where I bought my bike and let them give my some direction on how to set it up correctly but until then I hope to do some riding while waiting on my knee to get back on track but I hope it will be quick....like tomorrow would be nice!
Monday, February 2, 2009
A Wet Day Today...All Day..Monday Feb. 2nd, 09
Change UP Today Super Bowl Sunday.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
New Bike, Exciting Day!
Friday, January 30, 2009
21st Day Of Training, Bring It!
It's LORI checking in!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Kicked My Butt!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Training In Mom & Dads Neighborhood!
Monday, January 26, 2009
A Big Deal For Me! Got It Done.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Awesome Florda Day, Just Perfect Weather!
Finally we are back to normal with our Florida weather! The cold snap we endured last week is finally over and I am so glad. To me it was just crazy that it was to cold to train outside and I instead went to work out on the treadmill indoors. Today it was 75 degrees....perfect!
Today I wore my new Forerunner 404 (Garmin Watch) it is awesome but even more awesome if I can work the crazy thing. I thought I had it down but obviously NOT! This watch is a GPS enabled sports watch with wireless sync and it does so much more than that. Tonight I am going to read up more on it so I can be sure to have it down for tomorrow. I have also been wearing my Nike+ to track my distance and pace and it is very easy to operate but I have noticed its a bit off so I am going to have to get that straightened out as well.
Today I completed my regiment , it was better than yesterday.....Thanks Goodness! This running thing has become addictive and I look forward to everyday that I go out to see if my level of fitness has increased and the way I gauge that is the distance that I am able to achieve without having to stop and walk and other little things. Tomorrow I am not sure if I will be running before going into work or will I run after work but either way I will get it in for sure.
Gotta shout out to Jolly....."Keep Training Girl""
Going to do some reading to do before going to bed.
Be Blessed,
"Keep running in its proper perspective: It is just an activity that has a meaningful place in our lives"
Today started early for me I had to be at the office at 6:15 a.m. but I made it there at 6:30. We were attending a trade show in Hernando county and I was really pleased with the turn out so I am looking for great things to come from it down the road. I was actually thinking about getting up at 4:45 a.m. to get my training in early but decided to get it in when we got back into town and I did just that.
My training called for running 7 minutes, jog 6 minutes, run 7 minutes, walk 6. My breathing was totally out of order just was not easy and it might have been because it was chilly outside and it just made it a bit more difficult. My legs felt they were so heavy as well but the further I got into my run it eased up a bit. I have been reading in one of my running books that there are not so good days and then good days just like anything else but you just push through those times so that is what kept running through my head......Come on Karen push through this and of course I always ask for Gods help!
Gotta Run,
"Life Is A Journey LIVE IT!"
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Ready For Warm Weather NOW!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
14th Day!!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
12th Day, Training Indoors!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Just found out yesterday that the next 5k will be February 14th. The Plant City Church Of God is putting this on and the proceeds will benefit Sould Out and Operation Compassion. I hope to be much further along by then :-). If you live in the area make sure to sign up and participate, the website is www.strawberrydistancechallenbge.com and the cost to register is $25.00.
Gotta Run, lots to do before tomorrow.
Be Blessed.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Jan. 17th, 09 5k Bolt Run!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Saturday BOLT 5k Run January 17, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Early & Cold Morning Today! 10th Day
This morning my heel was feeling some pain but after about 5 minutes into it my heel eased up and I am thankful for that but this run seemed tougher for me than normal but I have a feeling it might have been because of the cold weather. I did make it through and for me that is what its about to make it through when you feel like you would rather just say I will do it another day or train when its not so darn cold! I am determined to continue this journey and reach the goals that are in front of me.
Tomorrow is Friday and I am taking the day off from training since I have gone 4 days straight and its my day to rest my body. But Saturday is right around the corner and I am excited about this being my first 5k. I do understand that I am not where I need to be yet to run the whole route and I am sure I may have to walk some but I am ok with that. My goal is to do the best that I can and just plain FINISH!
I may check in tomorrow but not sure yet as to what the day will bring but I will upload pictures and video on Saturday with the outcome looking forward to it and excited.
Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The 10 day of training...It's Cold outside!
It's Cold this morning! If you have watched the video I mentioned it was in the 50's but I was wrong it was about 44 degrees so I stand corrected! I had a good morning with my training and I made the goal of running for a full 10 minutes and I am proud of myself for making it through without passing out :-). I am really excited about tomorrow morning and getting past the next hurdle but it is going to be really early for me since I need to be at the office at 7a.m. to leave and go to Ocala/Levy to work on the magazine.
Today started out good at the office then right before lunch it went a bit down hill but I managed to pull myself together and tried to put things in perspective and be thank full for where I am right now! There are days when it seems like the pile of crap/stuff is so high you can not find your way out but I know God is faithful so I have to get the junk off of my shoulders and push through it.
I am currently still at the office finishing this blog and the time is 7:00pm, I had to get some things together for tomorrow and sign some checks but I am getting ready to leave and check on my horse before going home.
Hopefully Lori will come out of her hiding place and fess up! :-) Bring it Lo Lo.
Oh and congrats to my sister Kellie for shedding 5.2 pounds, you rock joo-joo bean!
Got run,
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Tuesday Morning Training.
Looking forward to tomorrow though, my training is getting tougher but I am looking forward to the challenge.
See you on the next blog and thanks for following me with this adventure.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Early morning workout 8th day of training.
During the training though I listen to my ipod shuffle while sporting my new Nike earphones that my sister Lori bought me! They are so perfect for running by the way they fit around the ears so here is a shout out to my sister "THANK YOU LO LO". But during this time there is a lot of time to reflect on things. I personally understand from my friend Todd about the time with God during your training, for me it just seems to happen and its a great place for me to be. It's funny how during a strenuous time (workout) that my personal time with God kicks in and I have needed that for a while. I have tell you I chat with Him and let Him know where I am at and what I need His guidance on and I am believing for a break through in so many areas especially this training stuff but I have to remember to listen!!
Well I have to run, I am in the process of getting my desk cleared before this work day is over.
Catch you tomorrow.
Sunday January 11th 7th day
Yesterday I was suppose to train but I decided to opt out not only was my day full but I decided it would be good to take a day off in hopes that the swelling and stiffness in my left knee would go down and also give my heel a break. I am not sure what is going on with my knee so I decided to go and buy a knee brace to see if it will help.
The weather today was awesome and when its that good you can not help but want to just be outside and enjoy it. I went to the track this morning and got my training in and I got it done along with wearing the knee brace. I really felt like I had more stability when wearing it but the true tale will be in the morning for me which brings me to that.....I am going to have to train in the morning instead of after work, I have a meeting after work so it leaves me no time to get it done then.
Today after proofing the magazines I decided to go to Dicks Sporting Goods to buy some running shorts and a few other things. My thoughts from the beginning was to not put any money into this thing unless I felt I could be serious so I bit the bullet and spent a few dollars. Glad that I did, they were having a sale so my timing was good.
I am going to close for now, time to get some sleep and I am hoping that I will get past being SORE!!! Lord help me......... :-)
Till Tomorrow,
Friday, January 9, 2009
Friday Morning Day SIX
As you know from my earlier blogs I am not a morning person especially to get up and train but today since I was up I decided to get to it. I was concerned that I would have a difficult time getting my training in since we are scheduled to go to press today by 5 with three publications so my best choice was jut to get it out of the way. It was nice though I have to admit it even though it was early the weather was perfect! I may do this early thing more often.
As I was running listening to some music there was a lot of things running through my mind and the one that stuck out was the Bible story about David and Goliath. David was a young man but had the opportunity to gain a reward if he defeated Goliath and he did just that. I really could go on with that story because there are so many points that can relate to this journey that I am on with this marathon deal but my time is limited this morning with getting to office but I did share a bit on the video so check it out.
My knee and heel acted up slightly but they both are coming around so I am pleased.
Gotta run for now have a great day,,,,,,it's FRIDAY
Thursday, January 8, 2009
5th Day of Training!
Well its the 5th day in training for a 5k and I am still a long way from being in shape. I took two days off (Tuesday and Wednesday) of this week. I needed a break to let my knee and heel rest and I am glad that I did, my left knee was stiff, sore and slightly swollen so it was nice to give it a rest.
Lori met me at the track after work, her goal today was to run 2 miles and she did that with no problem and of course she did not walk at all, she ran the whole way. I am not at that point yet and it only motivates me to get there but it is not going to happen overnight, its going to take some time and dedication to get there! I can think of many things that I could do instead of getting out on the track that are much more enjoyable but it all comes back to health and Lori shared about that in an earlier blog.
Well that is it for now tomorrow brings another day with another workout and I am not sure when I am going to get it in but I will make sure it happens.
See ya,
Monday, January 5, 2009
Day 4 Of Training
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Day Three, it was a tuff one for me!
I am excited to see the changes that I go through on a daily basis as I train and am looking forward to attaining goals that are set in from of me.
Lori ran this morning before Church and I ran after Church so she did get her time in today.
Gotta Run!